Joie de Vivre
FR - Comment choisir, lancer et réaliser ses projets de vie. Avec Joie de Vivre, nous allons décortiquer comment avoir une vision claire et ajustée des projets que nous devons mener. Et une fois cette vision établie, comment faire pour se mettre en marche et mobiliser tout ce dont nous avons besoin pour réaliser nos projets, fixer ses objectifs et les atteindre : motivation, organisation, confiance, ressources, réseau, etc. Dans Joie de Vivre, Pauline part à la rencontre d'invités qui vont nous aider à mettre notre temps et notre énergie au service de projets qui comptent vraiment pour nous, rendent le monde meilleur et nous apportent de la joie. Retrouvez-moi sur Instagram @pauline.joiedevivreEN - How to pick, launch and complete life projects.With Joie de Vivre, we are going to talk about how to have a clear and adjusted vision of the projects that we must carry out. And once this vision is established, how to get started and mobilize everything we need to carry out our projects, set goals and achieve them: motivation, organization, confidence, resources, network, etc.In Joie de Vivre, Pauline meets guests who will help us use our time and energy for projects that really matter to us, make the world a better place and bring us joy. Follow for more on Instagram @pauline.joiedevivre
Joie de Vivre
Life as a daring adventure, with Natalie & Mike Haarlander
Do you need a boost to get going or start on a life project, despite some fear, apprehension, or worry?
I got the perfect antidote for you. In this episode, I am so thrilled to bring you Natalie and Mike Haarlender.
Natalie and Mike have a strong record of setting up life projects, and going seriously after them. both individually and as a family.
I wanted to discuss with them so we could better understand their secret for
· creating life projects and completing them.
· not putting their dreams away at the first scary feeling.
· making proactive choices that serve the life they want to live.
Books mentioned in this episode:
Natalie talks about Man's Search by Viktor Frankl and Mike about The Fighting Spirit, by Lou Holtz.
To get more of Natalie and Mike :
Their company is Orions Guild
@orions_guild on instagram
Run to the Road, Mike’s podcast is on Apple and Spotify
Natalie and Mike on Instagram at :
To contact me or register for the Women Connection Retreat in Provence, send me a DM at @pauline.joiedevivre.
Original music : "Soif d'autre chose", by @anaelpin