Joie de Vivre
FR - Comment choisir, lancer et réaliser ses projets de vie. Avec Joie de Vivre, nous allons décortiquer comment avoir une vision claire et ajustée des projets que nous devons mener. Et une fois cette vision établie, comment faire pour se mettre en marche et mobiliser tout ce dont nous avons besoin pour réaliser nos projets, fixer ses objectifs et les atteindre : motivation, organisation, confiance, ressources, réseau, etc. Dans Joie de Vivre, Pauline part à la rencontre d'invités qui vont nous aider à mettre notre temps et notre énergie au service de projets qui comptent vraiment pour nous, rendent le monde meilleur et nous apportent de la joie. Retrouvez-moi sur Instagram @pauline.joiedevivreEN - How to pick, launch and complete life projects.With Joie de Vivre, we are going to talk about how to have a clear and adjusted vision of the projects that we must carry out. And once this vision is established, how to get started and mobilize everything we need to carry out our projects, set goals and achieve them: motivation, organization, confidence, resources, network, etc.In Joie de Vivre, Pauline meets guests who will help us use our time and energy for projects that really matter to us, make the world a better place and bring us joy. Follow for more on Instagram @pauline.joiedevivre
Joie de Vivre
When life cancels your projects, with Jenni Russell
Have you ever felt that life was cancelling your projects, your plans, your dreams…or at least putting them on hold? Those are certainly challenging time and I am so happy to introduce you to someone who inspired me so much on that specific topic : Jenni Russell.
Jenni is a keynote speaker, and chronic illness advocate. Since recording this episode, she has also started traveling full-time, and you can follow her adventures on Instagram at @JenniRussell_
Jenni also hosts The Art of Finding Joy podcast, where she guides inspiring conversations about joy, purpose and how to build the life that you love living.
The last part in itself would have been a great reason to interview her on Joie de Vivre, but I also asked her to join to share her incredible life journey. Life did have Jenni cancel all of her projects, but she was able to carve, nourish and nurture her ability to feel joy through adversity. While facing extremely complex health issues, Jenni managed to become a magnet for joy, and eventually transformed her life from the inside out and took her power back in the situations where she previously felt lost. She is now leading the way, inviting each of us to do the same.
In this episode, Jenni will share with us her life journey.
- how she started to retrain her brain and turn to joy despite her health situation,
- the amazing effect that that has created for her life, her power, and even her health
- how she was able to manage anger in times of challenges, and identity crisis that can occur when you loose your job
- how facing difficulties brought her perspective and clarity on what she wanted
- the power of hope and of listening to your own intuition, and ways to nurture this intuition
- she also discuss the link between joy and gratitude
- and the ways to let go of projects you are attached to because sometimes you just have to…
In this episode, Jenni mentions the works of Jo Dispenza, Bruce Lipton and Paulo Coelho.
You can follow Jenni on Instagram at : @jennirussell_
Make sure to listen to her podcast the Art of Finding Joy, available on Apple Podcast or Spotify.
To contact me, continue the discussion, or discover my coaching programs, follow me on Instagram at @pauline.joiedevivre or write me at paulinejoiedevivre@gmail.com.
Original music : "Soif d'autre chose", by @anaelpin
Sound magic : Into the Wave Studio